
Reflexology is an ancient healing art.  There are pictures on cave walls of reflexology being performed.  It has definitely stood the test of time.

There are reflexes throughout the body, many of them are on the hands and feet. These reflexes correlate to specific glands, organs and body systems.  By applying pressure to these reflexes, you can not only stop pain, but you are also sending a healing force to all parts of the body.  Essentially activating the bodies ability to heal itself.

This healing force opens up closed “electrical lines” that have shut off the universal life force.  When these life lines are closed or congested they will cause malfunctions to the glands, organs and systems which will make you ill.

Reflexology gets to the root of the problem by restoring the energy flow to these glands, organs and systems. It starts the calming action that brings relief to tense nerves and knotted muscles.  It creates a greater flow of blood throughout the body without stress on the heart.

A person is a structural, chemical and spiritual being.  Reflexology will help bring these 3 elements into balance.